Yaran anticline, which is a geophysical anticline, is located in the northern Dezful (Abadan Plain) in the vicinity and parallel to Iran-Iraq borderline, 30 km to the west of Jofair structure, northwest of Yadavaran oil field, and 70 km to the west of Susangerd. The elongation of this anticline is north to South with a similar trend to Darquain anticline. The area of this filed is approximately 110 km2.

To evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of Bangestan and Khami formation group as well as to study the Azadegan oil field extension limits , an exploratory well (Yaran#1) was drilled in 2009 in Yaran oil field.  Conducting formation tests in three layers Fahliyan, Gadvan and Sarvak proved the existence of oil and gas with good potential in Sarvak formation. The development of this field is divided into two parts: Northern Yaran and Southern Yaran

Northern Yaran field:

Southern Yaran field is in the southern part of the Yaran field in the line with Iran-Iraq border and is located at the west of Northern Azadegan field. The average length and width of coverage area for this field is 20 and 2.5 kilometers respectively which is an area approximately to 51 km2.The results of the experiments and studies of well No.25 of southern Azadegan shows that Sarvak reservoir and fahliyan in this field have remarkable reserves of oil. The development of this field with the aim of daily production of 50,000 barrels of crude oil from 18 wells of Saravk and fahliyan layers is an ongoing project. According to available data oil in place is estimates 550M barrels and recoverable oil is around 50M barrels. This oil is a heavy one with API of 20.

Southern Yaran field:

Sohrab anticline is located in northern Dezful (Abadan Plain) in the vicinity and parallel to Iran-Iraq border, north of Azadegan oil field. It has been detached from Azadegan oil field by an embayment. This oil field is located 115 km to the northwest of Ahwaz city and 30 km to the west of Susangerd. Regarding that there is no outcrop of Sohrab anticline on surface, existing of Sohrab structure has been proved by seismic operation. National Iranian Oil Company (N.I.O.C) has run complete seismic operation during Abadan plain phase 3 in Sohrab district. Then exploration well Sohrab-1 was drilled in 2012 which proved the existing of oil in Ilam, Sarvak, and Kazhdumi. Then N.I.O.C drilled the second exploration well in the South part of the field.

Well No.1 has been completed for early production phase by Arvandan Oil and Gas Company. Currently the coupling lines of this well to the Northern cluster of the Southern Azadegan are under construction. The well No.2 of this field has newly been completed and needs transferring pipe lines and surface facilities. Researches and negotiations for the development of this field is ongoing in the form of IPC (Iran Petroleum Contract).

Participation of Giyah Chasb Kish Company in Yaran Oil field:

Client: National Iranian Drilling Company

Year of Execution: 2015  

Scope: Provision of chemical materials required for 6 wells and delivery of related services through two separate contracts.

  1. Client: Exploration Oil Company  

Contractor: Giah Chasp Kish Drilling Services Company Scope of Contract: Provision of integrated drilling services including drilling support and waste management.

 Year of Execution: 2020