Giah Chasb Kish Company’s safety policy places a strong emphasis on safety and prevention, positioning these as top priorities. Preventive measures and a culture of safety are central to the work of its specialists, with a focus on reducing human and system errors through effective training aimed at minimizing incidents. To this end, the company has approved budgets and prioritized training to create the necessary conditions for enhancing safety in the workplace. To accelerate the achievement of defined safety objectives, the company has implemented safety systems such as ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, hired specialized personnel, and conducted effective safety training programs.
Given that the most valuable asset of any organization is its skilled and capable workforce, the company has invested in and planned for the health, well-being, and creation of a safe environment, which in turn increases work efficiency, positioning these as top priorities.
In addition, to protect the workforce, reduce occupational diseases, ensure the safety of equipment, and safeguard the company’s assets, the company has implemented safety and training programs aimed at establishing an HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) management system. These initiatives include identifying occupational diseases in the waste management industry, conducting risk assessments for all drilling processes, sending all employees for industrial medical examinations, analyzing incidents and determining their direct and indirect costs, measuring harmful physical and chemical factors in the workplace, and managing the environmental pollutants from drilling mud.
The most critical aspect of any safety and health program, or more comprehensively, any safety and health management system, is the identification of hazards and incidents, which is essentially the driving force of the system. It is crucial first to identify the hazards so that we can propose methods to mitigate or eliminate the risks. Investigating the causes and conditions that lead to accidents is one strategy for preventing future incidents by learning from past experiences and uncovering the aspects of accidents. The most common types of incidents involve falls, slips, bruises, cuts, and amputations, with negligence being the primary cause of these accidents. It is also important to note that among various industries, drilling is one of the most challenging and hazardous sectors. In the current approach, although the absence of the drilling rig eliminates many of these risks, potential dangers such as slipping, physical injury due to the lack of personal protective equipment, and the risks associated with using heavy machinery remain significant concerns.
Important Factors Influencing Accident Occurrence
The primary cause of accidents in the drilling industry is negligence. Given that drilling operations are demanding and require high levels of precision and concentration, and considering that each shift on drilling rigs lasts 12 hours (with the day shift running from 7 AM to 7 PM and the night shift from 7 PM to 7 AM), it is essential to create appropriate working conditions to minimize personnel negligence. Negligence among personnel can stem from inappropriate selection, insufficient training, and inadequate rest, mobile phone use during work, inappropriate joking, and false pride among experienced individuals, among other factors.
To address these issues, several solutions can be implemented:
– Standardizing hiring procedures for company personnel.
– Selecting individuals based on technical capabilities through proper recruitment processes.
– Conducting medical examinations before and after hiring.
– Providing technical and safety training for personnel before they are assigned to drilling rigs.
– Ensuring active supervision and collaboration from managers and HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) teams.
– Conducting appropriate supervision and monitoring of personnel during work by direct supervisors and senior management.
– Overseeing support services such as food, accommodation, transportation, and recreational facilities.
– Testing for drugs and alcohol for all personnel during service.
– Strict monitoring to prevent mobile phone use, smoking, and inappropriate joking in the operational area, as part of the HSE responsibilities
Slip and fall
Slips and falls rank second in the frequency of accidents. The primary causes include the presence of oil, diesel, snow, and ice, which contribute to slippery conditions and accidents in the workplace. To address this issue, several measures can be considered:
– Regular cleaning and maintenance of operational surfaces and areas to remove drilling fluid and other contaminants.
– Training personnel before starting work.
– Applying salt and sand on surfaces covered with snow or ice.
– Providing textured surfaces on all areas, including ladders and stairs in the operational area.
– Using appropriate safety footwear.
– Installing proper guardrails and adhering to safety standards in areas where there is a risk of slipping and falling.
Inadequate Training
The third factor contributing to accidents is inadequate training of personnel. Senior operational and training managers should prioritize training as one of their most important objectives. Safety and health training should be provided comprehensively for all positions. Additionally, ongoing safety and health training during service should be conducted regularly and according to the needs of the positions at accredited centers that issue international certifications. Training topics should include basic and advanced fire prevention, basic and advanced first aid, working at heights, and gas awareness.
Other Factors
Other factors that contribute to accidents include inadequate lighting, weather conditions, and rushing through tasks. Gas poisoning can occur in enclosed spaces such as storage tanks and reservoirs; therefore, the HSE officer must be notified before any operation in these areas.
The HSE department of Giah Chasb Kish Company has identified and assessed the risks associated with various jobs and operational environments and has designed a safety system tailored to the specific working conditions.