The changuleh oil field is one of the hydrocarbon fields in the geological structure of the Anaran block in the cape of the Zagros mountains, along the Iran-Iraq border in the southwestern part of Ilam province between the two cities of Mehran and Dehloran, and the Bangestan formation of the Changuleh field is considered at the second most important field in the Ilam region.

The oil in situ of the Changuleh field is estimated at about 4.3 billion barrels and with an API grade of 22. Regarding the executive activities of the project, in the underground section, the drilling of two production wells and the completion of the two existing wells of the field in the early development of the Changuleh field have been predicted. In the ground level section, the construction of the minimum early generation facilities section includes:  The first stages separator, transmission pumps, electricity supply through diesel generation, evaporation pond, burners, flow pipelines and wellhead facilities.

In order to transport the oil of the Changuleh field in the early production stage of about 15,000 barrels per day, an 8-inch pipeline with a length of 130 kilometers has been used to Dehloran.

 According to the report of the petroleum engineering and development of the Changuleh field and evaluating the hydrocarbon potential of the field, it is possible to implement the comprehensive development of this oil field with the aim of achieving a daily production of 65,000 barrels of crude oil.